Growing in Sexual Integrity

A free online course designed for the lay faithful of the Archdiocese of Detroit and those seeking to Unleash the Gospel! 



What is sexual integrity? Is it even possible in our age? How is sexuality connected to our journey toward union with God?

This short online course explores such questions and presents the power, beauty, and challenges of living out our human sexuality as married or single Catholics. Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway, Professor of Spirituality and Systematic Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, presents the path to fuller sexual integrity. The course features an array of credible witnesses from a variety of vocations and life circumstances—both men and women—who share personal stories and professional insights about growing closer to God through living a more spiritual and integral sexual life.

Come and join us this Lent as we journey down the path of reclaiming integrity, wholeness, and intimacy!

Hear what Fr. John Riccardo has to say about the Course!

How is this course structured?

Each module will be hosted by Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway, Professor of Spirituality and Systematic Theology, and taught by a different, highly esteemed scholar or professional from the married or single states. Each module will include:

- Lecture Video (~20 minutes)
- Lectio Divina Exercise (~10 minutes)
- Live Discussion Activity (Zoom) (~30 minutes)
- Personal Assessment Quiz (~5 minutes)
- Supplemental Reading Material

The goal of the course is not to deliver a high level of rigor or stress, but instead expose Catholics who want to learn more about living out healthy sexuality as an integral part of our relationship with God.

Consider this a Lenten study or retreat experience, done at your own pace.  This is an opportunity to grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord and with others.

What will be covered?  

Course Introduction


Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway

Professor of Spiritual and Systematic Theology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary 



Educating for Sexual Integrity Within the Family


Dr. Timothy O’Malley

Director of Education, McGrath Institute for Church Life, Notre Dame




The Journey to Sexual Integrity Within Marriage

HogansDr. Timothy Hogan

Clinical Psychologist, Part-time Faculty, Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Karen Hogan

Director of Faith Formation, Resurrection Parish, Canton 

Sexual Integrity and the Challenge of Addiction


Jeff Jay

Addiction Counselor & Clinical Interventionist 




Sexuality, Spirituality, and the Single Life

Susan-1Dr. Susan Muto

Executive Director, Epiphany Academy of Formative Spirituality



Hidden Treasures for Gay Catholics

SnDk-bN1_400x400-1Eve Tushnet

Author, Blogger, & Speaker



Sexual Integrity and the Diocesan Priesthood

recheader_bishop_overview-1Bishop John M. Quinn

Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota



“The human body includes right from the beginning . . . the capacity of expressing love, that love in which the person becomes a gift – and by means of this gift – fulfills the meaning of his being and existence.”
– Pope St. John Paul II
Register today or request information to learn more about the course and other offerings at Sacred Heart.