On Fire for the Faith

The AOD Catechist Formation & Certification ProcessREGISTER

Equip Yourself to Share the Light of Your Faith

On Fire for the Faith is the formation and certification program for catechists in parish faith formation programs and Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit. This program is designed around the Encounter-Grow-Witness paradigm of Unleash the Gospel by focusing on equipping catechists to be more effective in forming others through their personal discipleship and witness. 

Why a NEW Approach? 

Those who form others in faith should have the opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ and to be well-formed in the foundational teachings of the Church. This new process invites catechists into a personal relationship with Jesus within the Church and introduces catechists to the rich teachings of the Church on subjects relevant to every Christian.


What’s Included? 

The program includes three basic elements: 

  1. Attend an Encounter retreat
  2. Participate in the online orientation to the formation process and four short online, on-demand courses covering the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church 
  3. Connect with your facilitator/supervisor in a convenient internship at one’s own parish or Catholic school 

Who’s Eligible?

This program is open to all the faithful in the Archdiocese of Detroit, but is designed specifically for those:

  • Participating or volunteering in a catechetical parish ministry (children, youth, adults, and RCIA) 
  • Those serving at a Catholic school
  • Other Catholics who seek to learn more about their faith and explore lay ministry

How to Start?

To begin the Catechist Formation process, contact your parish faith formation leader or school principal.
For those ready to begin exploring the online orientation or start the online courses, click below
Catechist Formation Infographic
If you have any other questions, please contact us at faithformation@aod.org or 313-237-5904.

“The kerygma… needs to be the center of all evangelizing activity and all efforts at Church renewal…. On the lips of the catechist the first proclamation must ring out over and over: ‘Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.’ This first proclamation is called ‘first’ not because it exists at the beginning and can then be forgotten or replaced by other more important things. It is first in a qualitative sense because it is the principal proclamation, the one which we must hear again and again in different ways….

-Pope Francis

The Joy of the Gospel, nos. 164-165 (quoted in Unleash the Gospel, Marker 2.2)



 Register today or request information to learn more about the course and other offerings at Sacred Heart.