Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Financial Aid & Scholarships

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Financial Aid Department
We seek to advance the Mission of Sacred Heart Major Seminary by providing financial aid opportunities to all qualified students in pursuit of their educational and formation goals.


Robust Scholarship Opportunities

Over the past few years, scholarship funds have been increased to make courses more affordable - with many students seeking AOD Lay Ecclesial Certification typically receiving a 50% tuition scholarship and an additional 30% for their participation in a qualifying ministry. Additionally,  MA & MAPS students are commonly eligible for a 50% tuition scholarship and an additional 20% for their participation in a qualifying ministry. Additional scholarships opportunities are available for qualifying students outside the Archdiocese of Detroit and those not actively involved in ministry.

Christ is truly at the center of the classrooms at Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Sacred Heart students are taught by one of the most credentialed Catholic faculties in the country. Our faculty is comprised of numerous individuals who are leading experts in their field with many serving on pontifical councils / commissions and making a difference in the intellectual life of the Universal Church. Sacred Heart Major Seminary faculty are often invited to present at seminars, retreats, and conferences both nationally and internationally. Students are taught by faith-filled instructors who bring to the classroom their love and knowledge of Christ and the Church.

Who Studies at Sacred Heart?


Our Mission Extends Beyond Preparing Men for the Priesthood:

Many across the Archdiocese know Sacred Heart as a vibrant seminary which is currently forming over 120 seminarians, but many do not know we also serve over 400 active lay students seeking to better prepare themselves for ministry and living out their lay vocation in the secular world.


Those who seek to grow in confidence and better equip themselves to share the Gospel:

While majority of lay students are working towards short term certificates covering an in depth study of the Catechism, many others are working towards full undergraduate or graduate degrees in theology or ministry 


Those discerning how to answer God's call in their life:

Like Samuel in the Old Testament, you may say "Lord, here I am!" yet need to pray and discern more before clearly hearing what God wants. We invite you to "come and see" what the Lord may have ahead for you.

Don’t wait for a better time to explore how to best answer your call from God.
We are here to accompany and walk with you on your journey. Contact us to take the first step toward discerning what God is calling you to!
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